Sunday, September 19, 2010

Come My Sisters & Slumber No More!

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We've all have had struggles in life. I was disobedient the first time...not again!

God gave me a second chance in life! My doctor said, 'you're not suppose to be here,' and 'you cheated death!'

Last year, God placed it on my heart to go to Africa to aid the sick, the hungry, the homeless, and the motherless/fatherless. I didn't get to make it then and still pressing onward.

Since, I have tried many ways to complete my mission by joining humanitarian based programs which will be in place to build in Africa in the near future.

I can not do it alone; and come to you for your help, support, and donations to help our brothers, sisters, and children in Africa. My goal is $8,000 for a 30 stay in finding the right location. Once there, videos will be posted here.

Send Checks payable to: Send Me To Africa
c/o Dianne Friday
Carolinas Telco
2821 Crisman street
P O Box 668467
Charlotte, NC 28266-8467

Thank you in advance! May God Bless!
Dianne Friday
Phone: 704 865 2144
Skype: dianefriday

NHC is the vehicle used to build in Africa!

Trip Total Cost .................$8,000

July 15, 2010

This morning, I picked-up my glasses and other errands. I stopped by a local spot where my friends gather... one ordered me a cup of coffee. It was great to see my friends; I rarely socialize these days!

Home Sweet Home! I put on my glasses, every thing was blurry...called the office to see if I got the correct glasses...I'm wearing my old pair!

The phone is ringing, Dallas-Mini-Mart, Dallas, NC wants to donate food and clothes for Africa, I believe the whole content of the can I refuse anything for my brothers and sisters in West Africa or anywhere in the world? God Is Good!

Lord, I'm trying to raise funds to go to Africa...Not gather food and clothes! Ok Lord, you said you would not put on me more than I can bear! Ok Lord, I will ask DnV Drama Ministries to store the items and start dialing everyone to help in shipping cost...[7/15/2010 1:12:05 PM] Felicia: I was looking for prayers online and CBN has an affiliate church in Nigeria. I checked; they said, no; calling another back Monday; United Way call back on the 19th!

Phone ringing, Firefighters asking for support! I began to tell him the event of my day and DnV and myself will have to do a lot of fish fries to ship to Africa...he says that he and his friends will be at the fish fry next week! Thank you God! And so we keep on moving!

Snap! This preacher on TBN is saying look to the sky..Thumbs-Up!

August 5, 2010 I went to a volunteer jail ministry meeting at Gaston County Christain Jail Ministry, P O Box 112, Cramerton, NC 28032. I wonder if I will pass the test with all my disadvantages!


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Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Come My Sisters & Slumber No More!

D & V Drama Ministries----'I'm On Vacation'

God Is Good! Amen!

September 11, 2010

We wish to take this time to thank the angels of Dallas Mini Mart, Dallas, NC owner, Dave Vashi and his wife, who donated (3) three boxes of food to the Sisterhood Wombman Queendom for Africa!

John 20: 21 Then said Jesus to them again, Peace be unto you; as
my Father hath sent me, even so send I you.

October 11, 2010

Praise God for a most favorable phone conversation with Dr. Moses Nueman, Sr.,, sharing his knowledge, and works in Africa; a date was set to meet for lunch! Our lunch meeting was a success! I received an email inviting me to their 2010 Missions Leadership Conference at New Life Family Worship Center in Kings Mountain, NC. I attended the conference on Oct. 9th and it too was a success!

Dr. Moses Nueman, Sr. will leave for Nigeria on Oct. 24th. I will send the donated food with Dr. Nueman to Africa. God is good and make a way. The shipping cost just got reduced! Next on my agenda is funding the 30-day stay in Africa!

October 20, 2010

Giving Praise to my Creator; God is always on time! I'm making plans to visit Africa for two (2) weeks in November! I wish it could have been longer.

First Kings 3:5 In Gibeon the Lord appeared to Solom in a dream by night: and God said, Ask what I shall give thee.

October 22, 2010

It's amazing how one would meet someone and never to think you would see that person again. As it turns out, the universe and energy plays an important part, destiny has brought us together again -- Our Cause is of one and the same!

I'm so excited and here at the post office! Oh snap! You have to make an appointment to apply for a passport!

Ecclesiastes 11:6 In the morning sow thy seed, and in the evening withhold
not thine hand: for thou knowest not whether shall prosper, either this or
that, or whether they both shall be alike good.

Nov. 6, 2010

Well, I've applied for my passport and looking for it to arrive in the mail any day now! I'll be leaving North Carolina somewhere between the Nov. 15th and Nov. 22nd!

I ordered a KodakZi8; it should arrive Tuesday!

Proverbs 31:14 She is like the merchants' ships; she bringeth her food from afar.

November 12, 2010

I have been blessed with
gifts this week: A letter from India, my passport, a necklace from
Nigeria, shots for travel, and a KodakZi8!

I must admit, when taking the required shots for travel abroad will make you sick! I dreamed about my cameras' memory card. I awoke looking for it! By golly, I found it! At least, I thought I Instead, it was a little adhesive square to be attached to something! The next best thing was to call Kodak to see if a memory card was is

See what a shot can do to a dream!lol

Oh, I am blessed to have the following vid for you:

St. Mark 14:6 And Jesus said, Let her alone;
why trouble ye her? she hath wrought a good work on

November 25, 2010

Jerry Butler was right; he said, 'if you don't have your ticket in hand, you're not going anywhere!'

As it turns out, my date to visit Dakar, Senegal has changed. I will begin my journey Nov. 26 and arrive in Dakar Nov. 27.

Happy Thanksgiving!

St. Mark 14:7 For ye have the poor with you always, and whensoever ye willye may do them good; 'but me ye have not always.

We can not do it alone; we come to you for your help, support, and donations to help our brothers, sisters, and children in Africa with our mission as we - 'Reach One; Teach One!'


Send Checks payable to: Send Me To Africa
c/o Dianne Friday
Carolinas Telco
2821 Crisman Street
P O Box 668461
Charlotte, NC 28266

Thank you in advance! May God Bless!
Dianne Friday
Phone: 704 865 2144
Skype: dianefriday


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